Oasis Bouquet - Florist Choice
Oasis Bouquet - Florist Choice
Oasis bouquets really are the most convenient gift design! No need to un-wrap, find a vase or re-cut the stems. Just choose a place where they can be easily admired and appreciated, no fuss, no mess, just enjoy! They will be made with a pretty coloured craft paper and a raffia bow.
Florist Choice
I do spend a lot of time at my computer scouring the floral wholesaler web shops for the best value flowers. They also have a list of 'specials' for each week and I won't know what these are until 2 days before ordering. I hope you will trust me to make the recipient of your gift a beautiful design which they will be thrilled with! I will be choosing flowers with Mother's day in mind!
The photos below are just a few of the many Oasis bouquets I've made!
Florist Choice
I do spend a lot of time at my computer scouring the floral wholesaler web shops for the best value flowers. They also have a list of 'specials' for each week and I won't know what these are until 2 days before ordering. I hope you will trust me to make the recipient of your gift a beautiful design which they will be thrilled with! I will be choosing flowers with Mother's day in mind!
The photos below are just a few of the many Oasis bouquets I've made!
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